2010年7月-2011年12月,河南工业大学信息科学与工程学院 讲师
2011年12月-2013年6月,西南大学柑桔研究所 助理研究员
2013年7月-至今, 西南大学柑桔研究所 副研究员
Fukai Zhang, Xiaobo Jin, Jie Jiang, Gang Lin, Mingzhi Wang, Shan An, Qiang Lyu*. Fine-grained recognition of citrus varieties via wavelet channel attention network. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2025, 311, 113128.
Fukai Zhang, Xiaobo Jin*, Gang Lin, Jie Jiang, Mingzhi Wang, Shan An, Junhua Hu, Qiang Lyu*. Hybrid attention network for citrus disease identification. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 220, 108907.
吕强*,林刚,蒋杰,王明之,张皓杨,易时来. 基于改进YOLOv5s模型的自然场景中绿色柑橘果实检测. 农业工程学报, 2024, 40(18): 147-154.
何林,蒋杰,李家操,张福凯,易时来,郑永强,吕强*.柑橘育苗钵装填成穴生产线的设计与试验. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,45(5): 108-121.
Teng Wang, Jiacao Li, Lin He, Lie Deng, Yongqiang Zheng, Shilai Yi, Rangjin Xie, Qiang Lyu*. Citrus canopy volume estimation using UAV oblique photography. International Journal of Precision Agriculture and Aviation, 2021, 4(1): 22-28.
张明, 王腾, 李鹏, 邓烈, 郑永强, 易时来, 吕强*, 孙荣荣*. 基于区域亮度自适应校正算法的脐橙表面缺陷检测. 中国农业科学,2020, 53(12): 2360-2370.
Sivasubramaniam Janarthan, Selvarajah Thuseethan, Sutharshan Rajasegarar*, Qiang Lyu, Yongqiang Zheng, John Yearwood. Deep metric learning based citrus disease classification with sparse data. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 162588-162600.
李鹏, 张明, 戴祥生, 王腾, 郑永强, 易时来, 吕强*.基于不规则三棱柱分割法实时测算果树冠层体积. 中国农业科学,2019, 52(24): 4493-4504.
张明,李鹏,邓烈,何绍兰,易时来,郑永强,谢让金,马岩岩,吕强*. 基于掩模及亮度校正算法的脐橙背景及表面缺陷分割. 中国农业科学,2019, 52(2): 327-338.
孙荣荣,宋健宇,张明,李鹏,吕强*. 中国柑橘外部品质机器视觉检测分级技术研究现状与展望. 农业工程, 2019, 9(1): 47-51.
Kejian Wang, Wentao Li, Lie Deng, Qiang Lyu, Yongqiang Zheng, Shilai Yi, Rangjin Xie, Yanyan Ma, Shaolan He*. Rapid detection of chlorophyll content and distribution in citrus orchards based on low-altitude remote sensing and bio-sensors. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Engineering, 2018, 11(2): 164–169.
Zhang Pan, Wang Kejian, Lyu Qiang, He Shaolan, Yi Shilai, Xie Rangjin, Zheng Yongqiang, Ma Yanyan, Deng Lie*. Droplet distribution and control against citrus leafminer with UAV spraying. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2017, 32(3):299-307.
Zhang Pan, Deng Lie*, Lyu Qiang, He Shaolan, Yi Shilai, Liu Yande, Yu Yongxu, Pan Haiyang. Effects of citrus tree-shape and spraying height of small unmanned aerial vehicle on droplet distribution. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Engineering, 2016, 9(4): 45-52.
Liu Xuefeng, Lyu Qiang, He Shaolan, Yi Shilai, Hu Deyu, Wang Zhitao, Xie Rangjin, Zheng Yongqiang, Deng Lie*. Estimation of carbon and nitrogen contents in citrus canopy by low-altitude remote sensing. International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Engineering, 2016, 9(5): 149-157.
郭冬梅, 邓烈, 谢让金, 吕强, 易时来, 郑永强, 钱春, 何绍兰*. 哈姆林甜橙叶片锰锌缺乏症状的高光谱识别. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 41(1):25-33.
张盼, 吕强, 易时来, 刘颖, 何绍兰, 谢让金, 郑永强, 潘海洋, 邓烈*. 小型无人机对柑橘园的喷雾效果研究. 果树学报, 2016, 33(1):34-42.
Qiang Lyu*, Qiuhong Liao, Yanli Liu, Yubin Lan. Feasibility of SSC prediction for navel orange based on origin recognition using NIR spectroscopy. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2015, 21(3):305-317.
Liu Yanli, Lyu Qiang, He Shaolan, Yi Shilai, Xie Rangjin, Zheng Yongqiang, Deng Lie*. Prediction of nitrogen and phosphorus contents in citrus leaves based on hyperspectral imaging. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2015, 8(2): 80-88.
刘雪峰, 吕强, 何绍兰, 易时来, 谢让金, 郑永强, 胡德玉, 汪志涛, 邓烈*. 柑橘植株冠层氮素和光合色素含量近地遥感估测. 遥感学报, 2015, 19(6):1007-1018.
李勋兰, 易时来, 何绍兰, 吕强, 谢让金, 郑永强, 邓烈*. 高光谱成像技术的柚类品种鉴别研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(9):2639-2643.
Lü Qiang, Cai Jianrong*, Liu Bin, Deng Lie, Zhang Yajing. Identification of fruit and branch in natural scenes for citrus harvesting robot using machine vision and support vector machine. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2014, 7(2): 115-121.
田喜, 何绍兰, 吕强, 易时来, 谢让金, 郑永强, 廖秋红, 邓烈*. 高光谱图像信息的柑橘叶片光合色素含量分析技术研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2014, 34(9): 2506-2512.
田喜,何绍兰,吕强, 易时来, 谢让金, 郑永强, 邓烈*, 廖秋红. 脐橙可溶性固形物含量的光谱检测技术研究. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 36(3): 122-129.
吕强, 何绍兰, 刘斌, 田喜, 易时来, 邓烈*. 班菲尔脐橙可溶性固形物近红外光谱特征谱区选择. 农业机械学报, 2012, 43(S):211-214.
Qiang Lü, Ming-jie Tang, Jian-rong Cai*, Jie-wen Zhao, Vittayapadung Saritporn. Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging for detection of hidden bruise on kiwifruit. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2011, 29(6): 595-602.
Qiang Lü, Ming-jie Tang, Jian-rong Cai*, Hua-zhu Lu. Long-term prediction of kiwifruit dry matter by near infrared spectroscopy. ScienceAsia, 2010, 36(3): 210-215.
Lü Qiang, Lu Huazhu, Cai Jianrong*, Zhao Jiewen, Li Yongping, Zhou Fang. Features extraction of near-spherical fruit with partial occlusion for robotic harvesting. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 2010, 4(3): 435-445.
Lü Qiang, Tang Mingjie, Cai Jianrong, Lu Huazhu, Sumpun Chaitep. Selection of efficient wavelengths in NIR spectrum for determination of dry matter in kiwifruit. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 2010,4(1): 113-124.
吕强, 汤明杰, 赵杰文, 蔡健荣*, 陈全胜. 近红外光谱预测猕猴桃硬度模型的简化研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2009, 29(7):1768-1771.
吕强, 蔡健荣*, 赵杰文, 王锋, 汤明杰. 自然场景下树上柑桔实时识别技术. 农业机械学报, 2010, 41(2): 185-188.
吕强, 蔡健荣*, 赵杰文, 陈全胜, 王云珊. 基于X射线成像技术的板栗内部品质检测. 江苏大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 30(2):124-128.
蔡健荣*, 王锋, 吕强, 王建黑. 基于SBL-PRM算法的柑橘采摘机器人实时路径规划. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6):158-162.
蔡健荣*, 周小军, 王锋, 吕强. 柑橘采摘机器人障碍物识别技术. 农业机械学报, 2009, 40(11): 171-175.